
Sunday, July 11, 2010

the green fields with pooh

It was made out of nothing thoughts..I couldn't think what to draw but every time i hold my drawing materials, new ideas comes out. Then my hands begin to create pictures made of mixing colors.
Arts has great influence on my life. When i was kid, i start to love drawing and even painting. I often isolate myself. I have only few friends but i didnt tell them everything about me. I'm quite hesitant to tell them what i feel, they might not understand. I preferred to express what i feel drawing and painting. When i'm alone, i often spend my time drawing those beautiful things i saw, wrote a poem and even make a crochet. when i was in gradeschol, my teachers pay me for that simple things i did. It's not so good, and admittedly i'm not the person with an exceptional talents but i did something out of arts. How about you? express your self through arts, challenging yet rewarding!!

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