
Tuesday, July 27, 2010

My Father_poem


I came into this world, so unfair

Without giving a chance or choice

To have an ideal loving father

That will make my heart rejoice.

Others might say that I’m lucky

To have him in the family

But they don’t know the whole story

Why my heart complaining today.

I see him but I can’t feel

Even he is always there

It’s better to be buried to hell

Than to suffer from his anger.

Every time I see his face

Resentment always takes place

Negative thoughts came alive

Sad memories still survive.

I always find my self in vain

Like a slave who owns nothing

He makes me feel unworthy

Even I’ve done something heavy.

Sometimes I got mad, I got weird

Just like an imprisoned bird

Wanted to find its freedom

Which I experience in seldom

His likes always dominates

He wants fame he want a wealth

He can betray his family

Just to be praise in society.

He choose to look what people say

He don’t even care if I’m happy

He plunge me into anxiety

That brings my life to misery

I need not just shelter and food

But a father’s love not this world

Not just father to be called

Yet some one behind this word

I wish I have a father

Who value and love his daughter

Who looks for our happiness

Not just his own interest

I don’t even talk to him

Coz his close in times of problem

I preferred to be in reticent

Than to heard his harsh comment

In his heart ambitions dwell

Among all, he must prevail

He don’t want to see us in rest

Everyone must work in all days

In work must like a lightning flash

Everything must be in rush

If you don’t want to be beaten

You must follow and don’t complain

He is the reason of my tears

My greatest burden for all years

Source of my loneliness and fears

The cause of my trembling fingers

He’s detestable in my eyes

But he’s the reason why I rise

I persist and keep on struggle

To release from his control

Life is so good without him

Without skeptic, without disdain

His word really burns my heart

Making wounds, unrelenting hurts

I couldn’t understand the way

How life shows its mystery

Even the pain is lingering

In my heart, love wants to reign

Then must I work harder yet

To forgive him and to forget

When all my works be but in vain

With high resolve I try again.

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